Welcome to the future.
Welcome to Ellos.

Innovation and technology to revolutionize
international trade between Brazil and Arab countries.
Cut costs, while ensuring more security,
reliability and agility
to the process.


About Ellos

End-to-end technology in export process



Allows the record of transactions on a permanent basis, so that no record can’t be changed or erased, thus ensuring security, cutting costs and increasing the agility of transactions.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Through machine-learning technology, it is possible to automatically read and process any type of document, thus ensuring more efficiency and agility to the process.



The Cloud Computing technology allows remote access to software, file storage and data processing.

On Easy Trade, all export process agents are connected within the platform



Sends data and documents: Commercial Invoice, Halal Certificate, Certificate of Origin, Health Certificate, and others.


Halal Certifier

Once it receives the notification from the platform, it provides the process data and documents ensuring that the product is halal. The information is then validated as soon as it is uploaded to Easytrade.


Certificate of Origin Issuers

Once it receives the notification from the platform, it provides the process data and documents ensuring that the product is from Brazil. The information is then validated as soon as it is uploaded to Easytrade.


Regulatory agencies

As soon as they get the notification, Regulatory Agencies like the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply go on to validate the documents through the Ministry’s website.


Brazilian Authorities

They are notified that the documentation is available and proceed with the process.


Logistics Operators

As soon as they get the notification on the platform, they perform the check of the documents to allow for clearing the shipment of products and send the data and the Bill of Landing copy.


Arab Authorities

Authorities receive all information and documentation checked and approved by all stakeholders, and Customs access the platform to report the cargo clearance.



Receives access permission from the exporter to view the entire process on the platform.

Easy Trade

Get to know the functions that will streamline and simplify your daily routine

Using the highest technology, the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce developed Easy Trade, the Ellos Blockchain system responsible for sending the documents required by the Arab customs authority to clear the cargo in its country.

Information extracted
directly from the Portal Único

Information extracted <br>directly from the Portal Único

Platform integrated
with the leading certifiers

Platform integrated <br>with the leading certifiers

Agility and
transparency via Blockchain

Agility and <br>transparency via Blockchain

Speedy approval from
customs authorities

Speedy approval from <br>customs authorities

Real-time tracking
of the process

Real-time tracking <br>of the process

Get in Touch

Talk to one of our consultants and
request a demo of the platform

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